Top 10k strings from Tube Train Terror (1983)(JRS Software)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   5 ;"are at";
   5 ;" million"
   5 ;"      ";
   4 ;"YOUR NEXT";
   4 ;"CHOOSE";
   3 c=c-1000000
   3 ;" million":
   3 ;"         ";
   3 ;"           "
   2 ;"now reached";
   2 ;"You now have `";c/1000000
   2 ;"You have";
   2 ;"Press any key to continue"
   2 ;"Bullion is `";c/1000000
   2 ;"ARE NOW";
   2 ;"*******************";
   2 ;"*******************":
   2 ;" million";
   2 ;"        Oh dear!!       ":
   2 ;"         "
   2 ;"                                "
   1 v,m;"    "
   1 t$="                                "
   1 shunt routine
   1 shooting instructions
   1 l,f;"```":
   1 f$(y)=f$(x)
   1 c=c-s*100000
   1 c=c-g*100000
   1 c=c-700000
   1 c=c-(s*100000
   1 c=c+s*100000
   1 c=c+500000
   1 c=c+1000000
   1 a$="      vampiretroublefeelingangelicpreventmonsterwizardsgoblinstragedyvillainthrillsdragonsstrangemurdersgamblerextinctenemieschaoticcouragemagical"
   1 UDG       
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;"the DICE"
   1 ;"````````````````````"
   1 ;"Your score is ";r;"          ":
   1 ;"Your intellectual powers are notas great as you thought."'"There is little point in trying"'"to go on...."''"You must try your luck with "'"the vampires..."'"     Picadilly":
   1 ;"Your bullion:`";c/1000000
   1 ;"Your bullion is  `";c/1000000
   1 ;"Your bounty is `";s*100000
   1 ;"You will soon progress as far"'"as Bond Street"'''"Have a good look at the map"'"because you have a choice of "'"routes - either Central Line or"'"change for Green Park."''''"Be prepared....":
   1 ;"You took ";s;" shots"'"This has cost you `";s*100000
   1 ;"You took ";g;" wrong guesses      "''"This has cost you `";g*100000
   1 ;"You only have `";c/1000000
   1 ;"You must return for more bullion":
   1 ;"You must return for bullion":
   1 ;"You may use a Kempston          Competition-Pro joystick in thisprogram instead of the keyboard for movement or firing.This willbe recognised automatically and requires no special instruction."
   1 ;"You may roll first":
   1 ;"You may retreat via the NorthernLine to Leicester Square or you may gamble"''"You have `";c/1000000
   1 ;"You lost out to the CHAMPION":
   1 ;"You lost again...."''" The CHAMP is now likely to go"
   1 ;"You interchanged in ";s;" shunts"
   1 ;"You have used ";b;" bullets"'"and your bullion is reduced to"'"only `";c/1000000
   1 ;"You have saved the day...       Proceed to BANK...":
   1 ;"You have only `";c/1000000
   1 ;"You have lost everything...     except your life!!!":
   1 ;"You can retreat to either Eustonor Leicester Square":
   1 ;"You can only shunt into an"'"adjacent space,or bypass one "'"carriage at a time."'"Your shunt instructions should"'"be entered as a two digit numberwith the first digit being the"'"position of a carriage and the"'"second digit being the space to"'"which it is moved."'"The first shunt must be 34 or 54or 24 or 64"
   1 ;"You avoided the muggers and you may proceed with your bullion   of `";c/1000000
   1 ;"YOU FAILED...":
   1 ;"With a bounty of `";s*100000
   1 ;"When deciding your next move usethe knowledge that it took you"'s;" shots to clear 16 targets.":
   1 ;"Well done                       Good position"
   1 ;"Victoria";
   1 ;"Vampires shot=";s
   1 ;"Vampires escaped=";n
   1 ;"Use Z and X keys to dodge       and if necessary use F key      to shoot approaching muggers"
   1 ;"Use Q key to move up            and use Z key to move down"
   1 ;"Use M key to select a position  by moving gun-stick right"
   1 ;"Unfortunately the black-market"'"price of a gun-stick is a cool"'"million pounds, and as this "'"would leave you with only "'"`";c'"You must return to Marble Arch"'"and try to improve on your "'"earlier bullion haul":
   1 ;"UNBELIEVERS...":
   1 ;"ULATIONS"
   1 ;"Tottenham";
   1 ;"To get past Victoria you have togive the password....."''"This has 7 letters and you are"'"allowed up to 7 wrong guesses."''"Again you must expect to pay!":
   1 ;"This type of moving target will"'"be presented and you will be "'"told when to fire (by pressing"'"the F key)"
   1 ;"This must be achieved in 18 or"'"less shunts - if you take more"'"you will automatically be"'"shunted down the Bakerloo Line"'"to Picadilly"
   1 ;"This is not sufficient and you  must return for more..."
   1 ;"This has cost you `";s*100000
   1 ;"The streets of London are unsafe"''"Anarchy threatens!!"''"The recently elected SDP/Liberal"'"Government is almost bankrupt,"'"and if this is to be avoided you"'"must deliver at least `5 million"'"to the Bank of England."''"Your first task is to collect as"'"much bullion as possible."''"The safest method of travel is"'"by the Tube ...but BEWARE..."
   1 ;"The line to Bank is blocked and you must break your way through at least 50 blocks..."
   1 ;"The line ahead is blocked with"'"vandalised carriages and if you"'"wish to proceed along the "'"Central Line you must shunt the"'"-
   1 ;"The controller rolls again..  ":
   1 ;"The bullion is now `";c/1000000
   1 ;"The black-market price is a cool"'"million pounds and in the trials"'"ahead it may represent the"'"best buy you have ever made."''"You now have `";c/1000000
   1 ;"The Picadilly Line is populated"'"by vampires and you need a good"'"trigger finger.....":
   1 ;"Square";
   1 ;"Some of the vampires you are to meet are lethal...."'''"Use Z and X keys to move        left and right"'''"Use F key to fire"
   1 ;"Shunts:";s
   1 ;"SUCCESS!":
   1 ;"Remember: F key to fire":
   1 ;"Remember to use Z and M keys...":
   1 ;"Remember Z & M keys...":
   1 ;"Quick - you are about to be     overrun by a crowd of ......":
   1 ;"Progress to Monument is in the  incapable hands of a compulsive con-man controller...... ":
   1 ;"Progress to BANK is barred by a"'"schizophrenic maniac who is bothworld champion vandal and the"'"world NIM champion - the sport"'"where competitors take turns to"'"remove 1, 2 or 3 matches from a"'"row, and the loser is the one "'"forced to take the last match."''"The maniac cannot be bribed withordinary bullion - but will let"'"you pass if you can beat him"'"at NIM...."''''"If you fail he goes berserk..." 
   1 ;"Press F key to fire first shot"
   1 ;"Prepare to move on..."
   1 ;"Piccadilly";
   1 ;"Picadilly"
   1 ;"Phew...   you win!            "
   1 ;"P.S."'"You may take the bullion"'"you already have":
   1 ;"Oxford";
   1 ;"Number of matches in row:";m;" "
   1 ;"Number of incorrect guesses=";g
   1 ;"Now for the controllers roll":
   1 ;"Moorgate";
   1 ;"Monumt";
   1 ;"Marble";
   1 ;"MUGGERS"
   1 ;"MISSED":
   1 ;"Luckily for you the vampires at"'"Picadilly are relatively harm-"'"less, and you can claim a "'"bounty of `100,000 for every oneyou shoot."''"This will be added to your"'"bullion which is `";c/1000000
   1 ;"LONDON";
   1 ;"Keep                              moving..."
   1 ;"It is unlikely this will be"'"sufficient and you are advised"'"to try again"''''"Indeed you have no choice..."''"Be prepared to start soon....":
   1 ;"Invalid instruction, try again":
   1 ;"If mental strategy is more in "'"your line then you should chooseto progress via Victoria"
   1 ;"Huge crowds turn out to receive you as the HERO you truly are"
   1 ;"However he likes your style"'"and you have another chance...":
   1 ;"Go easy - every bullet          will be charged against         your bullion of `";c/1000000
   1 ;"Get ready":
   1 ;"First- position your gun-stick:":
   1 ;"Fancy that...   equal scores! ":
   1 ;"Euston";
   1 ;"Embankment"
   1 ;"Ct.Rd.";
   1 ;"Court Road";
   1 ;"Corruption seems to be the orderof the day, and for each shunt"'"the station-master requires a"'"bribe of `100000"'"You have `";c/1000000
   1 ;"Congratulations...."''"You have `";c/1000000
   1 ;"Circus";
   1 ;"Champion takes ";w
   1 ;"COURT ROAD "
   1 ;"CORRECT":
   1 ;"CONGRAT";
   1 ;"Bullion:`";c
   1 ;"Bullion: `";c
   1 ;"Bullion is now `";(c+s*100000
   1 ;"Biggest bullion:`";e/1000000
   1 ;"Be prepared....."
   1 ;"As expected by all Governments"'"money should fall from above!!"''"Use Z/M keys to move left/right"'''"You are likely to be robbed or"'"lose money on the way so you"'"should collect as much as you"'"possibly can before starting"
   1 ;"Ahead there are muggers,robbers"'"con-men and perhaps even the odd"'"vampire!!!"''"What about protection??"''"In the cellar of a smart Bond"'"Street store (with direct access"'"to the Underground) you must nowpurchase a gun-stick.":
   1 ;"ARE AT";
   1 ;"A gun-stick is of little use"'"unless you receive training..."''"and naturally this comes"'"expensive"''"Practice is available (at a fee"'"of `100,000 per shot) and you "'"will receive instructions on howto shoot targets as follows:":
   1 ;"1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
   1 ;"...remember Z & M keys":
   1 ;"...but you only killed one"'"vampire"
   1 ;"...but you have not earned"'"any bounty"
   1 ;"...but a lot of people come to  your funeral...":
   1 ;"...and you killed ";s'"vampires"
   1 ;"...and there are lots of flowers":
   1 ;"!!! BESERK !!!"
   1 ;" million"''''"Proceed with caution to the nextstation at Leicester Square -"'"the vampires that escaped will"'"have warned their vicious"'"relations you are coming...":
   1 ;" million"''"Use the Q and Z keys to control"'"the up and down movement of yourgun-stick, and the F key to fire"''"If 10 vampires escape towards"'"Leicester Square then beware!"
   1 ;" million"''"This will not be enough to bail"'"(or bale) out the Government"'"and you must raise some cash"'''" Picadilly there is"'"a chance to go bounty hunting!":
   1 ;" million"''"If you gamble then all this willbe on a single throw - double   your bullion or go back empty   handed"''"However you may lose more than  just a few million quid - if    either you or the controller    throws a SIX then you forfeit   your life!!"
   1 ;" million"'"to Moorgate":
   1 ;" million"'"and you must return for more...":
   1 ;" million"'"and you may proceed to Monument":
   1 ;" million"'"and you can proceed...":
   1 ;" million"'"and though you may be relieved"'"of more, there are also likely"'"to be opportunities to increase"'"the bullion..."''"   -gambling?"''"   -vampire bounty hunting???"
   1 ;" million"'"If you wish to accept the terms"'"then enter YES"'''"If your principles prevent you"'"becoming involved in bribery (orif you suspect you do not have"'"sufficient bullion) then enter"'"NO and you will be able to"'"proceed intact to Picadilly"
   1 ;" million  "
   1 ;" YOU  ";
   1 ;" VICTORIA  "
   1 ;" TOTTENHAM ";
   1 ;" PICCADILLY "
   1 ;" GREEN PARK "
   1 ;" AT EUSTON "
   1 ;" ARE NOW ";
   1 ;" A HIT ":
   1 ;"  Oh dear...   you lose!     "
   1 ;" his obsession is...":
   1 ;"   ...luckily your trusty gun-"'"stick can deal with ricochet    shots, and you should make good use of this as each new shot    will cost `1 million!"
   1 ;"     "''"You now have `";c/1000000
   1 ;"       ":
   1 ;"                      "
   1 ;"                            "
   1 ;"                               "
   1 -"'"positions (and vica versa)"
   1 - carriages into the -
   1 ,f;"Oh Dear!!":
   1 ''"You now have `";c/1000000
   1 "To gamble ENTER 'yes', or to    retreat ENTER 'no' ";q$
   1 "Enter no. matches for your take ";
   1 "Enter Y or N";i$
   1 "Enter Tott.Ct.Rd or Embankment  (3 letters OK)  ";q$
   1 "Enter 2 digit instruction";
   1 "ENTER a letter ";g$
   1 "ENTER Victoria or Picadilly"'"(first 3 letters sufficient) ";q$
   1 "ENTER R to roll ";q$
   1 "ENTER Oxford Circus or Green "'"Park -first 3 letters sufficient";q$
   1 "ENTER Euston or Leicester Square";q$
   1 "Don't forget ENTER ";f$
   1  1983 JRS SOFTWARE